Klaveness ordered three CABU combination carriers to be built by Zheiang Ouhua Shipbuilding Co.Ltd in 2013 and 2014, and last week the naming ceremonies for the two first vessels, MV Baffin and MV Balboa, took place at the shipyard in Zhoushan, China. MV Balboa will be delivered towards the end of September, and will on her maiden voyage ship caustic soda from Taiwan to Australia. MV Baffin will be delivered in November later this year. The third sister vessel, the MV Ballard, is due to be delivered in January 2017.
Second generation combination carriers
Compared to the first generation combination carriers (CABUs), this second generation CABUs is larger and in every sense more efficient as well as more environmentally friendly. The new vessels have been designed to reduce fuel consumption with 5-10 % achieved through amongst others an optimal hull form, fuel saving devices and a low RPM main engine with large diameter propeller. Furthermore, the time efficiency of hold cleaning has been improved through upgraded and more effective retractable tank cleaning machines. Head of Combination Carriers, Engebret Dahm said “with the delivery of the second generation CABUs, Klaveness will considerably expand its combination carrier business venturing into new cargoes, new trade lines and servicing new customers.”

50% lower emissions per transported ton of cargo
The new generation of combination carriers has been designed with the environment in mind equipped with a water ballast treatment system, improved software for performance monitoring and trim optimization as well as fuel saving electrical motors and auxiliary engines. Klaveness’ operational concept for its combination carriers remains unchanged – trading with minimal ballast leads to up to 50% lower emissions per transported ton of cargo compared to the best alternative mode of transportation.
The naming of the vessels marks the start of a new generation of combination carriers, benefitting both our customers and the environment.
Reference: klaveness.com