Recent incidents reported to the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) indicate that piracy and armed robbery continue to present threats to shipping and seafarers in many regions. While West African waters continue to be a hotspot for piracy, armed attacks and kidnaps, reports indicate that the waters around Indonesia and Malaysia are also sites for a maritime crime. Recent reports to the IMB’s worldwide 24-hour PRC include the following.

Two robbers were spotted on board a bulk carrier anchored at Cigading, Indonesia on 28 May. The ship’s whistle was sounded. The robbers escaped with stolen engine spares.
- Seven men armed with knives were spotted on board a bulk carrier anchored at Taboneo, Indonesia on 23 May. The robbers threatened the crew with their knives, stole ship’s property and escaped.
- Robbers in five wooden boats approached and boarded a crane barge under tow by a tug around three nautical miles off Tanjung Piai, Johor, Malaysia on 18 May. They stole property and escaped.
- Around four to five masked robbers boarded a tanker anchored at Callao, Peru on 18 May and took the duty crew member hostage. The robbers took the duty crew member’s radio, pushed him and escaped.
- Four robbers armed with automatic rifles and knives boarded a bulk carrier anchored at Conakry, Guinea on 14 May. They took the crew hostage, stole ship and crew cash and property, and escaped. The master was injured during the incident.
- Four robbers armed with long knives boarded a cargo ship around four nautical miles off Pulau Mapur, Indonesia on 12 May. They tied up the duty crew member and the master, stole their personal cash and belongings, and escaped.
- A speedboat approached a bulk carrier around 115 nautical miles off Baganga, the Philippines on 10 May. The alarm was raised, the crew mustered and fire hoses pressurised. After a 30-minute chase, the speedboat abandoned its approach and moved away.
- Six robbers were spotted on board a tanker anchored at Puerto Jose, Venezuela on 26 April. The alarm was raised and the robbers escaped empty-handed.