Aura II is one-of-its-kind vessel, which is presently being constructed in the STX Finland Shipyard in Turku, Finland. Aura II is a multipurpose eco-friendly double acting vessel, which though designed as a deck cargo lift ship, can be used for a variety of other purposes.
The salient feature of Aura II is that it will be able to run on both – marine diesel oil (MDO) and liquid bio-fuel (LBF). The ship will use the talk-of-the-town Wartsila’s 6L20 generators.
The LBF would be supplied by the Meriaura Group Company, which has developed a technology for oil separation that converts raw material residues from fish-processing industry. The ship can switch over to conventional hydrocarbon diesel fuel whenever required. The Aura II would be the first ship in the European commercial shipping to use LBF as main engine fuel.
Features of Aura II
- The ship is 105 meters long with 4350 dwt
- It has 3 Wartsila’s 6L20 Generators
- It has been designed for multipurpose operations in the Baltic Sea
- It is designed to carry bulky lifts of Finland’s lumber, containers, and even wind farm modules
- Can be used as an oil spill response vessel
- It will be the first dry cargo vessel in the Baltic Sea which will be equipped with double acting ship (DAS)
- It is an Ice Class 1A vessel with large ballast tank capacity (2700 cu.m)
- When used as oil spill recovery vessel, it has oil capability facility which is double the capability of any other vessel available in Finland waters
- Has twin Azimuth pod propeller
- Two bow thrusters
- DP system for oil recovery and wind farm installation situations
- The ship will be delivered in 2012
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