On Tuesday, January 24, at about 11: 15 pm local time, a cargo ship sank in southwestern Japan with 22 people onboard. As the day progressed on January 25, the South Korean and Japanese Coast Guard worked in tandem to rescue 13.
There were 8 Myanmar and 14 Chinese nationals onboard the vessel Jintian when it was headed to Incheon, South Korea. The ship was carrying wood along with other goods.
Earlier, the ship’s crew informed the coast guard that the vessel was flooding and tilting.
The coast guard is doing a combined air and water search consisting of helicopters and patrol bats to find the nine crew members who are still missing. Strong winds in the region, along with the rough sea, might hinder rescue efforts.
5 Chinese crew communicated with a private vessel sailing nearby which rescued them. The same ship informed the coast guard that the crew was in lifeboats. They successfully made it to lifeboats before the sinking.
Based on this, the coast guard is still hoping to find the rest of the nine crew members.
The joint effort of the South Korean Coast Guard and the Japanese Air Self Defence Force rescued 8 crew members. Although the incident happened outside the territorial waters of Japan, they’ve joined rescue efforts.
Source: Kyodo News, Print