The Alexandria Port authorities got a distress signal from the Lebanese vessel dubbed “AYLA”, loaded with scrap iron of up to 3.9 tons. Robban Assafina, a Lebanese website, mentioned that AYLA had the registration number: IMO: 8407448. It is a general cargo vessel, manufactured in 1985.
Egyptian authorities, collaborating with the Alexandria Port authorities, rescued crew members of a Lebanese cargo vessel that reportedly sank outside the Alexandria Port’s anchorage area.
The authorities and rescuers attempted to rescue its crew members comprising nine Syrians and an Indian.

AYLA was sailing to the port of Alexandria from Lebanon and sank after leaning on one of its sides. The Public Prosecution Office was informed and asked to question the ship’s crew and investigate to determine why it sank.
The Egyptian newspaper named al-Mal reported that the vessel had fallen on its side owing to the force of the winds that hit the Mediterranean region from Friday. Such strong wind continued and owing to this, the ports of Alexandria and Dekheila had been closed.
Per the Alexandria Seafarer’s Union, AYLA is the second vessel that sank in recent times, as the Sea Queen sank on 10 December 2021. Three Egyptians, a Syrian, and an Indian were killed in the sinking resulting from bad weather in Alexandria with waves going above five meters.
Reference: | Video Credits: Star Navy – YouTube
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