Cruise Ship Damaged After Hitting A Dock In Hamburg

The cruise vessel dubbed Aidabella ran into a collision with the dock at Germany’s Hamburg cruise terminal, causing paint scrapes, dents, and damage to the stern. The incident occurred around 8 am on Thursday as the ship was docking at the dock’s assigned spot.

On completing the vessel inspection, relevant authorities mentioned that the vessel suffered minor damages and there were no reported injuries among crew members and passengers. However, the ship was not permitted to continue on the next cruise, which is expected to be postponed for many days.

Representation image
Representation image

The damage is centred on the vessel’s stern, to the right of the vessel’s name, “AIDAbella”, where one can see a decent dent but a vertical crack.

Aida Cruises mentioned that a technical glitch is suspected of causing the incident and that the vessel will be thoroughly inspected and repaired.

The cruise vessel dubbed Aidabella sailed back to Hamburg, its homeport, on completing a 26- day trip this Thursday. It was initially scheduled to sail for a 43-day Caribbean voyage on 9 December. The cruise will likely start within a few days once the technical glitches are appropriately addressed.

Reference: Cruisehive, CrewCenter

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