Hyundai Heavy To Develop ‘Ammonia-FSRU’

Hyundai Heavy Industries Group, together with Korea National Oil Corporation, has begun developing an offshore supply base for ammonia, which is in the limelight as one of the next-generation eco-friendly energy sources.

Hyundai Heavy Industries Group’s Korea Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering and Hyundai Heavy Industries recently signed an ‘ammonia-FSRU joint development agreement’ with Korea National Oil Corporation and Lloyd’s Register at the headquarters of Korea Oil Corporation in Ulsan.

The agreement ceremony was attended by Jeon Seung-ho, head of technology division (Vice President) of Hyundai Heavy Industries, Park Sang-min, managing director of Korea Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, Ahn Beom-hee, ESG chief of Korea National Oil Corporation, and Park Seong-gu, president of Lloyd’s Register Far East Asia.

Signed a joint development agreement with Korea National Oil Corporation and Lloyd's Register
Signed a joint development agreement with Korea National Oil Corporation and Lloyd’s Register – Ships
that store liquefied ammonia, regasify it, and supply it to
land, Credits: HHI

The ammonia-FSRU (Floating Storage Re-gasification Unit) is a ship that stores and regasifies liquefied ammonia transported from the production area and supplies it to land-based customers. FSRUs are generally operated in a similar way to land terminals by berthing at coastal mooring facilities, and direct sea transportation of cargo is also possible if necessary.

Ammonia is an eco-friendly fuel that does not emit carbon dioxide during combustion. When combined with coal, ammonia can reduce carbon emissions while maintaining power generation. Demand for its use as an energy source for coal-fired power plants is increasing.

Ammonia is also attracting attention as a carrier for storing and transporting hydrogen. Ammonia is a compound in which hydrogen and nitrogen are combined. Its liquefaction temperature is minus 33℃, much higher than the liquefaction temperature of hydrogen (minus 253℃). It is suitable for long-distance transportation and storage.

Although ammonia-FSRU has not yet been built globally, it is expected to preoccupy the market as demand for ammonia increases in the future due to its advantages of low construction cost, short production period, and no need to secure a large site compared to land terminals.

In accordance with this agreement, Hyundai Heavy Industries Group, along with the development of a regasification system, a key equipment, received the domestic clean ammonia acquisition and storage infrastructure project and technical information promoted by Korea National Oil Corporation, and carried out basic design of ammonia-FSRU with specifications suitable for this. , Lloyd’s Register will review and approve the design.

“This joint development of ammonia-FSRU is significant in that it is a preparation for leading technology in the future eco-friendly energy field,” said Jeon Seung-ho, head of Hyundai Heavy Industries’ technology headquarters. We will try,” he said.

Ahn Beom-hee, head of the ESG division of Korea National Oil Corporation, said, “The cooperation with Hyundai Heavy Industries Group has made it possible to develop ammonia-FSRU for the first time in the world.” said.

“As the transition to eco-friendly energy is accelerating, this joint development will receive market attention as a technical guarantee for the important supply infrastructure of the ammonia value chain,” said Park Seong-gu, Far East Asia representative of Lloyd’s Register. It is very meaningful for Lloyd’s Register to participate in such a technical verification.”

Reference: HHI

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