MOL Issues Integrated ‘MOL Report 2022’ – Transforming Into A Social Infrastructure Group Centered On Marine Transport

TOKYO-Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Takeshi Hashimoto) announced the publication of its integrated “MOL Report 2022.”


In last year’s MOL Report 2021, we reported that the MOL Group, in the early 2020s, is undergoing a major transformation under a new CEO. This year in the MOL Report 2022, we aimed to explicitly explain our future vision “Social Infrastructure Group Centered on Marine Transport,” and to convey to our readers the difference and in what specific ways we intend to transform from the previous “Full-line Marine Transport Company.”

Credits: MOL

With the message from the CEO, value creation model, the management plan “Rolling Plan 2022,” and the sustainability plan “MOL Sustainability Plan” as the report’s backbone, we aimed to lead the readers to understand the MOL Group’s goal and how we will achieve that by introducing distinctive related initiatives.

In addition, the special feature highlights the Overseas Real Property Business and the Carbon Business as examples of attempts to expand the scope of our businesses. Various changes we have made to our corporate governance structure in recent years are also summarized at the end of the report.

The English-language print edition will be available in December.

Reference: MOL

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