Ocean Network Express (ONE) is pleased to announce the launch of the ONE Eco Calculator, which calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from ONE’s operating vessels. The tool is one of the company’s milestones in its journey to net zero.

With the ONE Eco Calculator, units are expressed as either Tank-to-Wake (TTW), a measure of emissions from burning fuel, which has been stored in a tank, or Well-to-Wake (WTW), a measure of emissions from fuel production, delivery, and use aboard ships.
“As we strive towards decarbonization, ONE is on a continuous journey to encourage stakeholders to participate,” said Koshiro Wake, Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy & Sustainability
Department, Ocean Network Express (ONE).
“Thus, the ONE Eco Calculator was developed not only for ourselves, but also for like-minded players and customers seeking sustainable transport solutions and seeking to manage their own cargo emissions.”
Koshiro Wake added that the commitment to achieving net zero is at the top of ONE’s management agenda, along with the company’s Green Strategy which was unveiled in March 2022.
The ONE Eco Calculator provides total distance and total CO2 emissions from Place of Receipt to Place of Delivery, including door locations. By offering this service, customers can choose a more environmentally friendly service.
Reference: Ocean Network Express