Next week, in a first for the industry, maritime charity Sailors’ Society launches a series of global wellness and mental health conferences designed exclusively for maritime school students.
On August 3, over 1300 cadets from 21 maritime schools in India will take part in the first of four virtual events.
Following a successful pilot in India in 2021, the conferences will explore the all-important subject of wellbeing and mental health as they embark on their careers at sea.
The events will focus on key and current issues facing cadets today, including crisis and diversity, and draw on material from Sailors’ Society’s pioneering wellness training and support programme.

Sailors’ Society’s CEO Sara Baade said: “Seafarers are the key workers of the sea. They serve at the frontline of international supply chains, supporting global economies – so it’s essential that their wellbeing is cared for right from the beginning of their careers.
“The content has been tailored to focus on key issues facing today’s seafarers, including the current crisis in Ukraine and the impact of the pandemic, as well as the issue of diversity as many companies look to ensure a diverse workforce.
“We’re extremely grateful to our gold sponsors A.M. Nomikos and Inmarsat, bronze sponsors Fleet Management Ltd and our technical partner UK P&I Club for their support. Sailors’ Society’s Wellness at Sea maritime schools’ conferences aren’t just a first; they are aimed at proactive investment in young minds. These events recognise that today’s cadets are tomorrow’s workforce and future leaders.”
Serving maritime schools in India, the Philippines, Greece and Africa, each conference will be tailored to the region and feature internationally renowned speakers.
The conferences will be chaired by Johan Smith, Sailors’ Society’s head of wellness and lead on the charity’s Wellness at Sea programme.
Johan said: “Following engagement with several maritime schools in India as part of Sailors’ Society’s Wellness at Sea awareness campaign, it was clear that there was an appetite for a conference aimed specifically at cadets. Our 2021 pilot event was a direct response to this.
“It was such a success that we’re now replicating this model so that we can benefit many more cadets around the world.
“We hope that these events will build on findings gathered at the pilot conference and generate a wealth of analytical and subjective data to help shape future work in wellness and mental health.”
More than 1,800 delegates registered for the 2021 pilot webinar that served 19 maritime schools.
Press Release